

Back from around 1990 to 1993 or so - me and my friend Mike played in bands together while we were in high school - here we are playing a show - im on the left - i played bass in this band and mike was the singer. We had a blast back then! Our influences at the time were all of those Washington DC bands that were on the Dischord label. Fugazi, Shudder To Think, Jawbox, Minor Threat - all that stuff.

Now 20 years later we got in contact with each other and found out we were both into bikes and took off on a ride - i dont think we've seen each other since our band years.

Not to cold to swim yet so stopped off at these springs. Of course the water is freezing.

Rope swiiingg


Iron Vaquero said...

Yer getting old! LOL How cool is that-meeting up with an 'old' friend and riding! Back in the late '80's my buddy and I were listening to Ian the boys as well!

Dan said...

Sooo Rad Chris. You gotta love this type of thing!

American Wind said...

haha - thanks chris & dan - guess im officially old now.

boosta said...

That's great. And funny how things like that happen - both of you being into bikes. Glad you could reunite with an old friend! You mentioned being a Dischord fanatic...I was lucky enough to record with my old band at Inner Ear Studios. I even used a tambourine that had "Fugazi" written on it in black marker. Who knows if it was actually Brendan's or not. While we were down that way we visited Dischord records. I'll have to dig up some pictures.

American Wind said...

hey boosta - thats a good story about recording at inner ear - i bet that was an experience. please get those pictures up! - around 1990 -'91 or so i was in DC and called brendan on the phone to try and get him a copy of our 'demo tape' hahaha - needless to say he didnt have time for some nobody kid with a crappy cassette tape demo. haha