My children will most likely never be able to browse the ailes at a music store thanks to the ''effeciency of digital downloads.'' Most people that i know that have an I-Fraud have so much music on it that they never really connect with any of it. Hey, its free downloads of horrible sound quality MP3s so you should just download everything in sight right? And now you don't have to go through all that hassle of supporting the musicians anymore by actually buying their album. Who cares about the future of music anyway? (i know that you can buy legitimate downloads from itunes and other places, im just not sure if most people do that or not) There has never been a good record store where i live, but there were good ones in Atlanta where we used to go to concerts a lot and also a good one in Tallahassee, but not anymore, and that is directly linked to MP3. To me, its just another part of America that is dead or dying. Personally i don't listen to much of anything outside of the 60's and 70's, to me thats just when music sounded right... Really im not against ''progress'' in music, i love vinyl records & have a pretty good collection but i also like how the introduction of cds allowed your music collection to become portable - mainly to listen to in the car & not be a slave to radio stations (i know there were 8tracks and cassettes, but cds did the same thing much better). But now MP3 has eliminated a physical format for music and i think that is equivalent to its death. So MP3s are like Walmart and records and cds are like the locally owned stores that are left gasping for breath.

I love this photo - Brooke's father in a record store he used to work in. Notice Johnny Cash is ''Album of the Week''. Awesome!
Here's a pic, not so old, but makes your point....
yeah, it does perfectly. looks like a cool store, i hope they make it.
well said man. interesting how vinyl has far superior sound quality to CDs, and CDs in turn sound better than MP3 files. Progress? i think not..
on your last point-no way are blogs killing mags- i refuse to take my laptop into the crapper!
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